maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2009

I need MEDS

Hi. I'm pretty upset right now cause I feel that some ppl don't wanna talk to me. ;____; And I have been really depressed lately so I'm not feeling very well. I cried today in school... I felt so bad and just had to get away.

But thanks to very lovely ppl I luckily know and can call my best friends I got safe in home. And my mom was so nice too. She made caramel tea for me and all. ;____; I just love her. And some other ppl. ♥♥♥ Thank u. ♥♥

New Cure and apple pocky I bought when I was at Helsinki in Friday. DaizyStripper. ♥ *A* There was Nightingeil and Dog in the PWO too. ♥ And that whirligig I got from my friend (she is so nice ♥). It's gonna be neckless someday. : )

That's a sake bottle I got from my uncle. He was in Japan last year and bought it from there. And didn't take me with him. •`A´• It is empty but I get to taste it and I didn't like it that much. XD But maybe I use to it someday... And that's my computer and I'm listening CELLT once again. So sad that they are dissbanded. It was awesome band. ;_____;


Ps. We are having awesome Visual Gay/Johnnys Fags/Korean Queers party on 20th of December. It's gonna be great and I promise put some photos. ♥

6 kommenttia:

  1. oon niin pahoillani jos sust tuntu tolta, koska must tuntu just päinvastoin ja luulin et vihaat mua ja et haluu jostaa syyst olla enää mun kaa tekemisis ja mäki itkin eilen illal ku ajattelin asiaa, mut toivon et asiat vois ny korjaantuu... en sit tiiä et mist tää koko homma alko mut joo, oisin tullu eile mesee ja tulinki mut olit varattu ja sit kone sammuki iteksee taas, mut siis anteeekssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hyvin paljon ja toivon et sä ymmärrät et mäki oon ollu koko jutust iha hirveel mielel ja vatsanpuruil. <3

  2. mä tuun juomaan sun saket!mut aaa onks sul nyt kaikki hyvin?O:

  3. joo kaikki hyvin. : ) mul oli vaa vähä masennut tollo. Voistiki tulla juomaa jos siin viel jotaa ois XD

  4. no hyvä :)aaa hirvee alkoholisti XD
